Josh Forisha


I enjoy board games, video games, etc. quite a bit, but my preferred type of gaming for many years now has been tabletop roleplaying. I tend to GM about 80% of the time, and play a variety of (mostly narrative) systems, typically horror and sci-fi, including:

Absurd Encounters

I was inspired to build my own Lynchian noir mystery game as a Powered by the Apocalypse variant called Absurd Encounters. I ran a season using an early version, and just recently updated it with streamlined systems.

Caffeinated Alien

I created this website for rule references, GM tools, and a place to put my campaign wikis. I'll be adding custom systems and experiments there as well.

Hundred Lite

As much as I enjoy percentile (d100-based) systems, I couldn't find one lightweight enough that I could run it with minimal setup, in any given setting, so I created my own. I've ran it a handful of times, but it's been a while, and I've been leaning into more purely narrative systems. So I'm not sure where that leaves this experiment.

Roll for Shoes

Years ago on a gaming forum, one Ben Wray posted about a "microsystem" his friends put together called I Roll to See If I Have Shoes On!. With no existing home for the brilliantly simple game, I bought the domain and manage a few community outlets for the system.